Brick Layer Perth WA constructs and repairs walls, chimneys, pathways, and foundations using a variety of masonry materials. They are often employed as part of a team of construction professionals, although they may also be self-employed contractors.
Most bricklayers gain their qualifications through a combination of college courses, an apprenticeship, and on-the-job training. You may also wish to consider undergoing specialist training in areas such as stonemasonry or heritage restoration.

Bricklayers must be able to lay bricks in a precise manner to ensure that the walls and structures they build are strong and sturdy. They may also repair or fill chipped or cracked bricks as needed.
The first step in laying bricks is to prepare the mortar. This is a mixture of cement and sand, which is used to glue the bricks together. A bricklayer should mix the mortar in a wheelbarrow or mortar mixer to make sure that it has the right consistency. It should be thick enough to stick to a brick, but not so thick that it cannot be easily spread.
Before laying any bricks, the bricklayer should mark out where the wall or structure will be. This can be done using a line and pins or with string and clamps or nails. The brick layer should also dig a trench for the foundation, which should be a foot deep and wide. The brick layer should use a level to check that the foundation is even before moving on to laying the bricks.
When the mortar is ready, the bricklayer should butter up a new brick with a little of it. This brick will be pressed up against the previous one, so it is important that it is straight and even with the rest of the wall. The bricklayer should then put down a small bed of mortar and set the first brick in place. The bricklayer should then use a trowel to spread the mortar around the brick and to create an air pocket at the top of the brick. The bricklayer should also strike and brush the joints to smooth them out.
The bricklayer should then repeat the process for each subsequent row of the wall or structure, making sure that the mortar is level and even with the previous row. The bricklayer should use a line block to create a straight guideline at the height of each brick in the row, and then nail or clamp a string between these line blocks. The bricklayer should then use the string to create a guideline for the next row, and butter up another new brick with a little mortar before pressing it into place.
Mortar is a versatile building material that can be used in various projects. It is comprised of cement, sand, and water and can be used to hold bricks together. However, the mortar must be mixed correctly to ensure it has a good workability and strength. Using the right ratio of mortar mix to sand and the correct amount of water is key. It is also important to keep in mind the specific requirements for different jobs, such as a concrete slab or fence posts, which may require more compressive strength or water resistance than other projects.
When mixing mortar, it is important to use clean tools and a large enough container to avoid overflowing. It is also recommended to wear protective eyewear and waterproof gloves to prevent contamination of the mortar mix. Lastly, it is important to protect the mortar from extreme weather conditions, as exposure to heat or direct sunlight can cause the mixture to set before it has a chance to be used.
Whether mixing by hand or with a machine, the mortar mix must be thoroughly combined to achieve a uniform consistency. It is important to start with the dry ingredients first and then gradually add water until the mortar reaches a workable consistency, or what is called slake.
It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to determine how much water to use per bag of mortar mix. Adding the water slowly is essential to avoiding creating a wet mixture that can affect the strength and durability of the mortar.
Most modern mortar mixes have powdered additives that are added to the dry ingredients. These are chemically activated through hydration, which is the same process that gives cement its strength. This process also helps the mortar mixture remain cohesive during and after it has cured.
Once the mortar has slaked, it must be allowed to rest or “cure” for about 10 minutes. During this time, the mortar mix will begin to set and form a stronger bond with the sand particles. If necessary, a plastisizer can be added to the mortar to improve its workability.
Brick carving is a traditional hand craft and an important artistic form. The technique combines drawing and carving to create the illusion of depth. It is similar to the process of sculpting in clay, but the scale is much larger. The sculptor has the advantage of being able to reach for a new piece of clay in case of failure, but a brick carver working on a building costing millions of pounds is faced with the prospect of serious consequences if he makes a mistake.
The first step in creating a brick carving is to make the lines for the cut on the surface of the brick. The brick is placed on a flat surface and the line is marked with a triangular layout square or ruler, and pencil or wax lumber crayon. The brick is then scored with a hammer and chisel along the line to be cut. The scoring is important because if the brick is cut directly it may break apart.
Cutting the bricks is a lengthy and laborious process. Using a hammer and cold chisel it can take an hour to cut one single brick. This is why it takes a long time to create large scale carvings. It is often more efficient to use a power saw, especially on projects that are in public areas where the carvings must be accurate.
Several types of saws are available for cutting brick, such as circular saws with a diamond masonry blade, angle grinders and reciprocating saws. All of these tools must be used carefully to avoid accidents, and should only be used by trained professionals. They can cause injury if not operated properly, and are particularly dangerous when combined with other construction materials such as steel.
A brick layer who is trained to operate a power saw can save himself a lot of labor by measuring the brick before cutting it. He places the brick on a flat surface and marks the desired cut line with a straightedge, using a pencil, chalk or wax lumber crayon. The brick is then carefully edged in with small chisels to make the cutting lines permanent.
A brick layer must ensure that the walls and other structures they build are well-built, safe and conform to industry standards. They need to be able to interpret work orders, understand the materials and equipment needed for each job, and have the skills and knowledge to mix mortar correctly. They also need to be able to carry out a range of other tasks, such as measuring work areas, marking guidelines and using various tools to cut, fit and finish the brickwork.
Bricklayers use brick, pre-cut stone and concrete blocks to build and repair walls, paving, retaining walls, chimneys and foundations. The work can be physically demanding, requiring the strength to lift heavy materials and the endurance to kneel or stoop for long periods. It is also a very male-dominated profession, although women are beginning to enter the role in increasing numbers.
Some brick layers are self-employed, running their own businesses or contracting to construction firms. Others are employed full-time by private companies/individuals, public bodies or recruitment agencies. The role may require national or international travel. Bricklayers are often required to wear safety equipment such as hard hats and glasses and must comply with workplace health and safety regulations.
The minimum qualifications for becoming a bricklayer are a high school diploma or GED certificate and the physical ability to perform construction work. Many bricklayers learn the trade through an apprenticeship, which is typically three to four years long. This includes classroom study and on-the-job training with a more experienced journey bricklayer or mason. Apprentices earn while they learn, starting at about 50% of a journey worker’s hourly rate.
Continuing professional development is important for bricklayers to keep up with changing best practices, laws, equipment and techniques. This enables them to carry out their roles safely and effectively and to progress within the construction industry. This is particularly important as the industry is highly regulated and changes are made regularly. For example, a recent change in building materials has reduced the demand for bricklayers, but increased demand means that those who remain in the job will need to continue to develop their skills to compete with other contractors and keep up with industry developments.